2016 News

IGF at Guadalajara, Mexico

Join us for a discussion about TechWomen: Driving ICT, Innovation, and Collaboration in Central Asia and South Asia (CASA) at the Internet Governance Forum on Dec 5-11, 2016 at Guadalajara, Mexico. 

Global Competencies Inventory & Intercultural Effectiveness Scale

Maria Beebe is now certified to give the Global Competencies Inventory (GCI) & the Intercultural Effectiveness Scale (IES). Check out the training programs for the instruments at the Intercultural Communication Institute.

Global Education Conference

Maria Beebe and Salim Saay from Kabul University participated in the Global Education Conference on Nov 15, 2016. Our session was about harmonizing global teams in Afghanistan. After the conference, Maria played GEC Connect, a professional development gamification, and won a champion badge. 

DISRUPT 2.0. Filipina Women: Daring to Lead 

DISRUPT 2.0. Filipina Women: Daring to Lead edited by Maria Beebe with Associate Editors Glenda Bonifacio and Vangie Meneses was launched at the University of Cebu in Cebu on August 22, 2016 and at the Asian Institute of Management in Manila on August 26, 2016.  

University of Dar es Salaam

Mark Beattie lectures at UDBS-University of Dar es Salaam Business School on June 28, 2016. 

SFAA Annual Meeting

At the SFAA Annual Meeting on 29 March - 2 April, 2016 in Vancouver, BC, James Beebe did a workshop on Rapid Qualitative Inquiry (RQI): A Tool for Facilitating Team-based Cross-cultural Intersections of Peoples and Ideas and Maria Beebe chaired a session on Mobilities and Interculturalities in East Asia and the Pacific where she read a paper on "A Discourse Analysis of the Leadership of Filipinas in the Diaspora." 

From Switzerland to Malawi 

Mark had several global opportunities in 2015, beginning with travel to Switzerland to visit one of his students that was studying abroad for the semester. See the article in the Washington State University Carson College of Business Dividend magazine. 

Next was the opportunity to evaluate candidates for the 2015-16 cohort of Diploma students in Dzaleka, Malawi as part of Jesuit Commons: Higher Education at the Margins. See the works of some of the past students.  

Following closely on the heels of the Malawi trip was an excursion to Tanzania to visit Mark's colleagues Dr. Tobias Swai and Dr. Marcelina Chigoriga who we worked with on the NetTel@Africa project. This set in stage a proposal for a WSU Study Abroad in Tanzania for summer 2017.

Ethnographic and Qualitative Research

31 Jan - 2 Feb 2016 - James and Maria Beebe will read papers at the Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference hosted by the University of Nevada. We look forward to attending the introduction to Qualitative Data Analysis Software (QDAS) when conducting research and getting hands-on practical experience using two QDAS programs. 

Global Diaspora Week

through November 2015 
Bob Bartlett, as a traveling speaker for Humanities Washington Speakers Bureau, will travel all over the State of Washington to tell the amazing story of Operation Firefly and the triple nickel. He will be speaking in Port Townsend, Redmond, Ellensburg, Moses Lake, Liberty Lake, and Spokane. He has spoken in Richland, Walla Walla, Cheney, and Port Ludlow. 
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Three principals of Global Networks made presentations at the International Leadership Association (ILA) conference on Leading Across Borders and Generations held in Barcelona, Spain on October 14-17, 2015. The Global Networks participation at the ILA was submitted and approved as an International Diaspora Engagement Alliance (IDEA) Global Diaspora Week 2015 event. Global Diaspora Week is a week-long celebration of diaspora communities and their contributions to global development.

ILA at Barcelona, Spain

Maria Beebe presented a paper about Diaspora Leadership: Filipinas Rising. The paper highlighted the leadership journeys of Filipina women in the diaspora while maintaining family ties and Filipino values. The paper examined the themes that comprise the why and how of leadership that make up the leadership repertoires of 35 women who shared their leadership journeys in Disrupt. Filipina Women: Proud. Loud. Leading without a Doubt.

Maria Beebe joined Rita Gardiner and Chanda Elbert for panel discussion on Navigating Leadership at the Intersections of Borders and Generations: A Collaborative Autoethnography. With the aim to advance theories of women and leadership by showing how an intersectional approach serves to articulate dimensions of the leadership experiences of women in diverse contexts, panelists explored and interrogated their experiences of leadership at the intersections of various identities, including gender, race, and class, situated within the larger sociocultural structures. Navigational strategies that may enable thriving and surviving leadership at the intersections of these socially constructed borders was emphasized. The discussion concluded with implications for research and praxis.

Jerri Shepard presented a poster entitled Interactive Bridges that Cross Time and Space. The poster drew on experiential pedagogies that provide venues for increased understanding of differing cultural worldviews that relate to leadership in various age groups across the globe. The Poster Presentation introduced participants to the teaching and learning of sensitive, politically charged issues related to cultural competence development. Images portrayed activities that demonstrate privilege, power, and differing perspectives by offering imaginative nontraditional approaches, which can lead to meaningful dialogue. Included were suggestions for face-to-face, online, and blended learning adaptation that include populations from varied generational and cultural settings.

James Beebe led a workshop on Rapid Qualitative Inquiry: Team-Based Research for Improving Leadership in International Situations. The Rapid Qualitative Inquiry assessment process is an intensive, team-based approach using triangulation, iterative data analysis, and additional data collection to quickly develop a preliminary understanding of a situation from the insider’s perspective in as few as six days. After a brief introduction to this approach, the workshop included three hands-on experiences to practice team interviewing and analysis. The target audience were participants interested in research tools for transformational leadership in cross-cultural situations within international and multinational organizations.

Finally, Disrupt. Filipina Women. Proud. Loud. Leading without a Doubt and Rapid Qualitative Inquiry: A Field Guide to Team-Based Assessment, 2nd Edition joined 35 other books at the Meet the Authors Reception at the International Leadership Association (ILA) conference in Barcelona on 16 October 2015.

The full ILA 2015 Program (pdf 9mb) can be downloaded from the ILA site.

DISRUPT book reading at Portland State University

The Filipina Women’s Network (FWN), represented by Dolly Pangan-Specht (2009 FWN100 US) and Maria Beebe (2011 FWN100 US and 2013 FWN100 Global, board member, and book co-editor) organized a book reading in collaboration with Portland State University’s Office of Global Diversity and Inclusion, Department of Anthropology, and Center for Women and Leadership. The Asian Pacific American network of Oregon (APANO) and the Council of Filipino American Associations (CFAA) also participated. Global Networks, Janet Labar, and Cynthia Reidy donated books as gifts to the readers. Tambayan and Columbia Distributing provided food and drinks. 

2015 Events

July 2015 Bob Bartlett was a guest speaker at the National Smokejumpers Association 75th Anniversary Reunion held at the University of Montana in Missoula, MT

1 July 2015 Bob Bartlett gave the keynote for The 3rd Annual Inland Northwest Student Affairs Colloquium, held at North Idaho College for 200+ Student Life professionals. This year’s focus was on student retention. His talk was titled, Build it and They Will Come and Many Will Stay for a Lifetime. His focus was on the importance of building a welcoming, diverse and inclusive campus environment. 

26 June 2015 Maria Beebe at DISRUPTING DC Book Reading

June 2015 Mark Beattie in Malawi and Tanzania

7-10 June 2015 Maria Beebe at Asilomar Women and Leadership Conference

12 June 2015 Maria Beebe at DISRUPTING Vegas Book Reading

15 Feb - 31 March 2015 James Beebe at De La Salle University for his Fulbright award.
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