Community Tool Box
is a free, online resource for those working to build healthier communities and bring about social change. It offers thousands of pages of tips and tools for taking action in communities.
Getting the Measure of Measurement by the UN Foundation
Human Development Index (HDI), published by the UN Development Programme, uses life expectancy, education, and per capita income data to measure the state of human development worldwide.
Global Pulse
is a flagship initiative of the United Nations, tasked with harnessing big data for public good. By making the most of modern data science, we can glean valuable information, contribute to the Global Goals, and drive innovations across the UN.
Universities are in on the action, too. At the College of William and Mary in Virginia, the
“think-and-do tank” uses open data on worldwide aid and development to help governments and agencies do the most good.
NGOs and watchdog organizations are using data and measurement as well. And the policymakers within governments around the world take note. The Fund for Peace’s
Fragile States Index (FSI)
annually measures countries’ vulnerability to conflict..or even collapse.
is a global community working together to design solutions for the world’s biggest challenges.
iEARN-US is a non-profit organization made up of a network of over 30,000 schools and youth organizations in more than 140 countries.
Women's Learning Partnerships (WLP)
work uses the programmatic strategies of (1) leadership and advocacy curriculum development, (2) training at the grassroots, national, and regional levels (3) strengthening civil society, and (4) women’s human rights advocacy and movement building.
Legacy International
is dedicated to promoting peace by strengthening civil society and fostering a culture of participation worldwide.
barefoot college
have trained grandmothers from around the world to introduce solar power.
World Pulse
is a social network connecting women worldwide for change.